
My photo
Chicago, IL
22 year old RN. I work in neuroscience, everything head and up. (brain trauma, bleeds, strokes, aneurysms, brain tumors, etc). Married to the man of my dreams. Head over heels in love with Chicago. I enjoy causing trouble and stirring up interest. & in my spare time, I hang out with homeless people...and do arts and crafts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pottery Creations

This summer I started doing some pottery again. I will hopefully add more creations later. But here are some of my favorites.

These small precious desert plates were so fun to make. And so easy.
1. use dark clay and roll out a slab
2. Find a flat circular object of whatever size plate you want and cut into the slab
3. Make sure that they are not too thick or thin, just the right size for a plate
4. Find something that has a texture you like. This is where you get to be creative. Either stamp it in or use a rolling pin and (gently) roll the texture onto the clay.
5. Make sure the sides are thick enough all around the plate.
6. Let dry for a few days before heating in the kiln.
7. Color with high glosses, to fall into the textures and come out in different types of shades.
8. Kiln again, and you're done! You have these marvelous little plates! :)


In regards to this serving dish and coffee cups (I did not make the cups!) My sister Jaci did.
She is far better at pottery than I, as she has been doing it far longer. But I am proud of the little tray that I use to keep the cups on right next to our coffee maker.

1. Roll out a flat slab (thicker this time)
2. Cut out the size of the tray you want.
3. Shape the edges to however you want it, flat or curvy (like mine above).
4. Take small pieces of newspapers and stick it into the curvy parts, to ensure it dries with that form/shape.
5. Glaze how you desire, i thought three different colours would look great, and i do really like it!

This plaque is made in a very similar fashion as what has been talked about before.
I saw a plaque like this hanging in Mrs. Euler's room (the pottery teacher) and wanted one for our bar as well.
It says "Everyone you meet is in a war, be kind." An amazing quote that I thought fit the philosophy i try so hard to live by.

To do this, roll out a slab
Find a circle shape and cut it out. Make sure it's thick. Atleast an inch-and-a half.
Use either stamps or an exacto knife to make letters or drawings.
Glaze letters and drawings with a separate glaze then the rest of the plaque.
I did not make anything to hang this by. instead I just bought a small wooden easel from Ikea ($1) and it sits on our mantel. Love it!

This last one is super easy! Basically the same thing as the circle plaque.
Flat slab and punch in the letters. Couldn't be easier than that.
"Don't make love by the garden gate, love may be blind, but the neighbors ain't"

but alex's aunt recently told me "Do it anyway, the neighbor's are bored!" (wow!) haha

Anyway enjoy and happy crafting!

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