Now that I am getting a little more used to the fact that we're actually having a baby, I will post some updates and share this link with the loved ones for now. Like I've said before, I'm still not going truly public with all this, it's still a shock, but I do want to keep you all updated.
I had my first real DR. appointment today. It was really long, about two and a half hours all together. The Dr. did a lot of education and answered a lot of my questions. I was a bit worried, on Monday at work I got really dizzy in a patients room and passed out and fell! It was a very scary experience so I was glad to have a DR to ask questions to. (She said I need to eat and drink more, which is pretty obvious I guess). Being nauseated makes it hard to eat for two. One thing that really hit me hard was when the Dr. first started doing the ultrasound she just looked around for a long time, really puzzled. It looked like she couldn't see the baby. Alex and I's first instinct was that I had a miscarriage. It was during that moment that I realized that I would not have been relieved, I would have been devastated; which I think is a good indicator that I'm starting to accept this more and be more excited. But alas, the baby was found and she had a ultrasound technician come in and take lots of pictures. I'm nearly nine weeks, and the baby is due June 19th. That puts me smack dab in my third month (which is still pretty crazy considering we found out two weeks ago!) It also makes me so tired i can hardly function, pretty nauseated all the time, and dealing with other weird symptoms.
But I thought you would want to see the baby.
The little head is on the left and you can see the little body and the left arm and foot. Pretty crazy! We also saw and HEARD the heartbeat which was really really cool. But it looks SO MUCH bigger than our first ultrasound two weeks ago. You couldn't even tell that it was a baby before.
Okay, below is a picture of our fridge. The ultrasound on the bottom is from two weeks ago. That little itty bitty dot inside that black circle is the baby,... now look at the one on the right! It's so much bigger isn't it! i was shocked. Also on our fridge I have a magnet from my mother and sister in law that says "life begins at the end of your comfort zone." And oddly enough, the same day we put up that Alex had a fortune cookie that said "It's not the end yet, let's stay with it!" Haha, so we put those up there to remind us!

Did I mention that I have the most amazing supportive husband ever imaginable? He is never annoyed or short with me even though I've been nothing but freaked out ever since we found out. He has continually shared with me all the positives, and persuaded me that this is a wonderful thing. He also goes out of his way to make sure I'm comfortable, happy, and feeling good. (like right now he's at the grocery store buying ingredients so he can come home and make me some secret noodle recipe that will cure my nausea!) haha, he is the greatest, and this is all so much easier because I have him, and I know no matter what, at least the baby will have an amazing and loving father.
The last thing I'm doing for you:
I'm posing what little a little fetus is doing at this stage...cause it's pretty remarkable.
Your baby is growing like crazy during pregnancy week 9. By now, most of the aspects of your baby's physical structure, such as head, arms, legs, and torso are in place. If you were to peek in on your little one, you'd find they resemble a miniature human being (one with a very large head!). Because your baby's organs and limbs are forming, in the next few weeks, your baby will be putting on weight. Your baby's tail should have disappeared by now, and your baby's organs and muscles should be functioning on their own. It's hard to believe that something so small can function so completely, isn't it!
At 9 weeks pregnant, your baby's eyelids will fuse shut and won't open up again until your baby is about 27 weeks along. Your baby's face is becoming more distinct every day, with the mouth, nose and nostrils becoming clearly visible. Your baby's heart should have divided into four separate chambers now, as your baby swims about gleefully in his or her warm and cozy home.
that sneaky baby! i am so happy for you guys! i know i'm not technically the uncle but i sure feel like i am lol.. rae you are going to be a wonderful mother and alex is going to be the most amazing father.. you two are just the ideal couple and i know you will be fantastic parents! if either of you two need anything at all just let me or meg know and we'll be there in a heartbeat! speaking of heartbeats i wanna take a listen to that little guy this weekend :)