Ever since I found out I was with child (haha) I have craved these fries every single day at 1600 or as you non-hospital people say,,,4pm. My eating habits have been pretty healthy, a lot of salads and fruit for my meals. But as for 1600, I give in to these most days I am at work. And the nasty part? I take ranch dressing mixed with ketchup and drench them in it before devouring it. the funny part? I never really liked french fries before. Just one odd thing.


- Rae Leigh
- Chicago, IL
- 22 year old RN. I work in neuroscience, everything head and up. (brain trauma, bleeds, strokes, aneurysms, brain tumors, etc). Married to the man of my dreams. Head over heels in love with Chicago. I enjoy causing trouble and stirring up interest. & in my spare time, I hang out with homeless people...and do arts and crafts.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Baby Retter Update
Your baby is growing like crazy during pregnancy week 9. By now, most of the aspects of your baby's physical structure, such as head, arms, legs, and torso are in place. If you were to peek in on your little one, you'd find they resemble a miniature human being (one with a very large head!). Because your baby's organs and limbs are forming, in the next few weeks, your baby will be putting on weight. Your baby's tail should have disappeared by now, and your baby's organs and muscles should be functioning on their own. It's hard to believe that something so small can function so completely, isn't it!
At 9 weeks pregnant, your baby's eyelids will fuse shut and won't open up again until your baby is about 27 weeks along. Your baby's face is becoming more distinct every day, with the mouth, nose and nostrils becoming clearly visible. Your baby's heart should have divided into four separate chambers now, as your baby swims about gleefully in his or her warm and cozy home.