I stopped blogging on the actual honeymoon as I stopped finding internet the further west we moved. We were gone for three weeks. Here are the highlights after what I already blogged:
Went accidentally off-roading. Had a picnic in a parking lot. (again). and took in the beautiful landscape! wow.
This beautiful picture is taken about an hour outside of salt lake city driving from southeast Utah. What a beautiful drive! wow. i recommend it. except for when our car top carrier opened, things blew way down the highway and we had to track them down....lol
Stayed in a hostel in salt lake city. Drove the temple, ended up ordering pizza and watching shark week on my computer in our little bunk bed! That hostel had sooo many rules though.
We had to stop at the giant salt lake......I told alex it is true, it's so salty YOU FLOAT when you go in....so we had to try.
AFTER THE "SWIM" in the disgusting salt lake. We literally power washed each other down and we still smelled. But...we did float. :) We then proceeded to drive across NV, and ended up where anybody driving across northern NV hopes to end up........
and we gambled in RENO....lived large and stayed in the EL dorado...which is actually really cheap. lol. after a night and morning of gambling,,,we broke even and got a free dinner out of it! we're just that good.
After Reno we headed to CA, our stop would eventually be crescent city. Along the way we see Mount Shasta......
We also stop in Weed, CA. Where we no joke, get offered weed by some folks at a gas station. (we politely decline). We also see a lady in a wheelchair beat up a man. (crazy). and we also aid a victim of domestic violence (sort of) by helping her hide behind a bush. lol. That was a crazy city.
we then went to an aqaurium where he asked for volunteers. I volunteered, but because i was older, he made me lick a sea anemoe, which injected poison into my tongue and made me drool. ha. i also pet a shark.
this seal was so cute!
Just hanging out in the redwoods on our favorite stump. Right before a lady broke her ankle on a trail and we had to come to the rescue!
That night we hung out at the campground, met some hitchhikers, who were absoultely lovely to talk with......and "shotgunned" PBRs with them. we had a great time and they were excellent company. the next morning i left them a bottle of wine with this note: "Tom and Amy, thanks for shotgunning PBRs with us. enjoy this wine and feel classy! Stay adventurous and never settle down completely! Enjoy the journey. See you in another life. Cheers. Rae and Alex"
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